Monday 1 September 2008


Today is my birthday. I’m 48. That’s just a number though, a number that says nothing more about me than how many years have passed since I arrived in this world. Most of the time I don’t think about how old I am.

To be honest, apart from the fact that my body doesn’t function as well anymore, I don’t feel much different now than I did twenty or even thirty years ago. Obviously, I have more life experience but the essence of who I am is still the same. I don’t even feel that ‘grown up’; there are people younger than me who I look at think “wow… they’re so mature”. Perhaps they feel the same way about me - maybe we just don’t see ourselves in the same way others see us.

How about you? Do you feel you’ve changed during the past ten years or so? Twenty years? I guess the answer largely depends on how old you are now. Certainly, the older I’ve become, the less I feel I've changed. I suppose I must have, though.

I’m not sure what I’ll do today. Probably nothing. There’s luxury in nothingness :)

Sharon J xx



  1. Happy Birthday Sharon! Age is only physical but mental age is any age you CHOOSE to be. :D I'll always be in my mid-20's I think even if I'm heading quickly towards the big 4-0! Have a great day!


  2. Have a great birthday Sharon. To me age is only a number and an insignificant one at that!

  3. Well, I must admit that when I think about that ten years ago I was just about opening my eyes to the world of boys, and now I'm living with one, things have changed... But when I think back to when I was seven, how big I was, starting school for the first time. and then today look at the 6-7 year olds starting school, I can't imagine even being THAT small! They're tiny! I don't feel the slighest bit taller or bigger today, than what I did walking towards the biiiig headmaster at Konnerud. It's not me who's got bigger, it's everyone else who's got smaller!
    Happy Birthday mum! Love you lots! xxx

  4. Happy Birthday to you Sharon!!
    Hope you've had a wonderful holiday to London...
    I must be getting old now, I find myself asking Is he/she really old enough to drive?/ Work in a bank? Have a baby?!
    I spent nearly a year thinking I was 26, until my mum told me I was 27!!! I'm 31 now, I think!

  5. Hi sharon. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day.

    My mind doesn't feel any older but my knees/back etc do!!

  6. You're older than me again. Happy birthday XX

  7. 21 going on 48! Happy Birthday Sharon, and enjoy your special day.


  8. Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone :)

    @ Jennifer. Some days I choose to be in my twenties, other days I choose to be 'middle aged' because it gives me an excuse to flirt with young guys - when you're older you can get away with it ;) LOL

    @ apieceofwood. 'Tis indeed insignifant and the reason why I don't really make a big thing of birthdays.

    @ Lise. Hehe... I love the 'everyone else who's got smaller' part of your comment! I do know what you mean - when I see people I haven't seen for years it always surprises me that they've got so much older. Everybody else has, just not me ;) Love you lots, too xx

    @ emmani. You're as bad as me. I often have to ask other people how old I am!

    @ Movetoportugal. Yes... the back and the knees... and the rest. LOL

    @ Richard. G'won... rub it in, why don't you? ;)

    @ Gavin. It's funny because on the one hand 21 feels like a lifetime ago yet on the other it seems like just a short while ago. I think I actually prefer being a bit older, though :)

  9. Gratulerer med dagen :-)

  10. Sharon....

    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday incredibly young, incredibly intelligent, incredibly wonderful woman (who is definitely a Teacher!)
    Happy Birthday to you!

    I hope you get to spend the day doing a whole pile of nothing...and i hope it is blissfull!


  11. Happy Birthday Sharon x

  12. Happy birthday!!! Who was it that said "Age is an issue of mind over matter - if you don't mind, it doesn't matter". So true!

    Hope you had an utterly butterly one xx

  13. Happy birthday.

    I still think much the same as I did 30 years ago. Only my priorities have been rearranged and what I have to and should do now takes precedence over what I want to do.

    I am still waiting to view myself in my perceived image of an adult.


    I hope you have a wonderful day and a fabulous year!!

  15. Many Happy Returns of the day Sharon!

  16. Happy Birthday Sharon !!!!
    All the Best


  17. Happy Birthday! It doesn't really matters what age you have according to the passport, the main thing is what you feel inside you. Be happy and enjoy every moment of your life.

  18. Hi Sharon! Hope you had a great birthday!

    Yes I am different than I was 10 years ago and most def different than 20 years ago!

    If I had stayed well I would probably have been nursing for 28 years this month!! 10 years ago I could still eat and drink. Life brings a whole new course as we move forward and without the changes I would not be where I am today and so I don't look back and don't live with regrets or if only's !!!


  19. Hi sharon,
    Happy birthday , I hope it was a nice day for you xdom

  20. Hey Sharon, you are a virgo like D and me! Love your blog, you always write well and it's intersting.

    Here's to many more birthdays.

  21. @ Anonymous. And in Norwegian, eh? Tusen takk :)

    @ Pink Bunny Ears. If you carry on like that, I'm going to end up with such a big head that I'll have to climb through the window to get out of the house ;)

    @ Mylifemakeoverjourney. Thanks.

    @ Jadeofthejungle. Well I don't mind so I guess it doesn't matter :)

    @ Websmith. Yes, my priorities have changed along with my lifestyle (several times) but the way I feel about who I am is still pretty much the same. I've yet to decide what I want to be when I grow up though ;)

    @ Notesfromthefrugaltrenches. Y'know, I really think this year is going to be good. All the changes I've been making are definitely for the better :)

    @ Catz. Thank you.

    @ Wombat. Thanks to you, too.

    @ Humanus. Thanks for your birthday wishes and for visiting my blog. I do try to enjoy as much of life as I can :)

    @ Chris. Yes, my life has changed dramatically too but the way I perceive myself - the essence of who I am - hasn't really changed. Life changes for all of us, who we are doesn't necessarily, apart from that we evolve our minds.

    @ Shabby Chic. It was a lazy day and although I could have had more energy and felt a little better, it was a nice day :)

    @ Cottage Smallholder. I am indeed a Virgo and from what I've been told, quite a typical one too. I'm glad you enjoy the blog :)

  22. Happy birthday Sharon!

    Here's a personalized birthday song from

  23. Sorry I'm late, honey. Happy birthday! Growing older is definitely not the same as growing up.

    The first is inevitable - the 2nd is a choice. xxx

  24. happy belated birthday! Hope you enjoyed your day, even if it was doing nothing!




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