Saturday 6 September 2008

Book Prize

No, I haven’t written a book for which I’ve won a prize - I’ve won a prize which is a book. And what a useful book it is too.

Jennifer of HomeMattersMost ran a competition a while ago where anybody who wanted to enter had to write about why their home matters most to them. I wrote mine but didn’t really expect to win; I’m one of those people who rarely wins anything. But low and behold, I won, and now I’m the proud owner of The Reader’s Digest Household Manual from 1978! And believe me, having already spent several hours pouring through it, this is one very useful book.

A lot may have changed since the book was printed but things are changing back and the knowledge in this book is valuable. There’s information on everything from decorating, installing kitchen units (I’m sure this will be useful when I’ve finally saved enough for my new kitchen) and laying a carpet to sewing, housework hints & tips and cooking. There’s information on how to use just about every vegetable common to the UK, freezing instructions, info about cuts of meat and how to use them and much, much more. The book also focuses on repairing or improving what you already have rather than buying new. What a treasure!

Thank you, Jennifer. And thank you too for the way you wrapped the book, complete with a pretty little sachet of lavender. Receiving it really made my day.

Sharon J



  1. Well done Sharon, you really deserved to win, I can imagine it may just become your 'bible' now...
    I hope you'll be sharing some tips for us!

  2. A deserving winner - look forward to hearing some tips!

  3. Congrats! Sounds like a book i need to have. Although, given my own Plan, I may not need it for long! :)

  4. Well done you Sharon! Couldn't think of anyone more deserving!!

  5. I am so glad you found it useful! I have a copy as well and as you said things are seeming to find a way of moving back (to a simpler life) so I am thrilled you see what a treasure this book is.



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