Wednesday 3 September 2008

More Heat in Winter for Just 50p a Year?

With the dark evenings starting to draw in now and Autumn in the air, I've started thinking about getting my house ready for winter. One product I've recently stumbled across is a Radiator Booster. It seems to me like a really clever, eco-friendly product, and as such I just had to let you all know about it.

Apparently it’s a ‘Dragon’s Den’ product that’s designed to circulate warm air from water fired rads making them up to 50% more efficient whilst also reducing warm up times. It plugs into the mains but is said to cost an average of just 50p a year to run, which is dead cheap. Ok, so you have an initial outlay of £14.99 per booster but if it helps heat up your home more efficiently, it'll not only pay for itself relatively quickly but by eliminating cold spots, which it supposedly does, it'll help make life more comfortable too. If it works, I'm all for it.

It works by blasting warm air that would usually disappear into walls out of the sides of the rads instead. Sounds excellent, don’t ya fink?

It just sits on top of your rads, doing it’s thing and is such a simple idea that you can only wonder why nobody ever thought of it before. But you know how it is, the simple ideas are usually the best.

I haven’t bought one yet but I’ll definitely be ordering one this month before the cold really starts to set in again. If it works as well as it I'm hoping it will, I'll get more.

Sharon J



  1. what a great concept! we have forced air so i am not so sure it would work for us but i wish i'd had one when i lived in chicago and had radiators. I am trying to brianstorm ideas to keep the winter warm and cheap, I'm currently toying with the idea of closing 2 rooms in our house off and just not heating them. which leads me to wonder why this apartment is so big in the first place :)

  2. Be interesting to know if they work.. let us know

  3. Can't wait to hear how it works! You have incredible knowledge Sharon!

  4. I'd also like to know whether this works or not. Please do let us know. If it does, it sounds like the answer to a lot of people's heating problems.

  5. @ Neimanmarxist. I'm also going to close one of my rooms off for winter and turn off the heating. My house isn't anywhere close to what I'd call big but as long as there's a room that doesn't get used (bedroom) there's no point heating it.

    @ Apieceofwood. I'll definitely write a post once I've ordered, received and tried it for a while :)

    @ Notesfromthefrugaltrenches. I wouldn't say I have incredible knowledge, I just try to find ways to save money and make my life more comfortable whilst doing so.

    @ Alexi. I does sound as though it could be a relatively cheap answer to some heating problems, yes. I'm really hoping they work!

  6. Great blog, I enjoyed reading it.


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