Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Favourite Meals

Somebody asked me a while ago what my favourite meals were. I couldn’t answer straight off because there are so many different foods I like that narrowing it down to favourites isn’t easy but I’ve spent some time this morning thinking about it and have come up with the following, although they‘re in no particular order:

  1. Stew & Dumplings
    While the stew is packed with different vegetables so pretty healthy in that respect, the dumplings are a bugger. I have to have them though. Stew just wouldn’t be the same without them and now that the colder weather's here I can't resist getting the stew pot out.

  2. Minced Beef & Onion Pie with Boiled Potatoes, Carrots & Gravy
    Pastry isn’t particularly healthy and I have to admit that I can’t get on with wholemeal shortcrust pastry. It just isn’t the same. I do use it now and then, when I’m feeling that LM needs more fibre, but on the whole I stick with plain flour. My pie oozes with gravy that has a touch of red wine added to it, and it has to be served with spuds and carrots otherwise it just isn’t right.

  3. Lasagne
    I don’t get to have this very often as LM can’t stand it but now and then, when she’s not home for dinner, I put one together and eat more than I ought to. In fact, I have some left over Bolognese sauce from last week in the freezer so I’m going to use that to make a lasagne tonight.

  4. Pork in Creamy Paprika Sauce with Rice
    Because of the problems I have with what remains of my bowel, I can’t eat food that’s too spicy but this is just right. The paprika sauce is tangy without being too hot and the creamy consistency mixes well with the rice. And I love pork!

  5. Marinated Pork Loin with Buttered Baby Potatoes and Salad with a Sweet Vinaigrette Dressing
    We have pork loin quite a bit as it’s one of LM’s favourite meats too. I always marinate it first with my favourite being a sweet and spicy marinade (the recipe can be found here). Alongside sweet baby potatoes and a crispy green salad, it’s just too delicious for words!

  6. Biff Snadder (beef fillet strips with sautéed mushrooms & peppers served in pita bread with béarnaise sauce and salad)
    This one’s a Norwegian fast-food speciality. You’d find it available at most fast-food places that are regularly dotted along roads both in towns and in what often appears to be the middle of nowhere. I dont’t make béarnaise sauce myself (way too much faffing about) and whereas I was once dependent on Lise sending a powder mix over, I've now found a farm shop that does jars of absolutely gorgeous bearnaise :)

  7. Pancakes
    Ok, so maybe they’re not usually eaten as a main meal but in our house they are. Not often, granted, but when we do have them we ravish them! I prefer mine with strawberry jam and crème fraiche but lemon and sugar’s good too. I also like to vary the pancakes themselves, sometimes adding raisins, or cinnamon, or whatever happens to take my fancy. Sauteed fruit makes a good topping, too.

  8. Hotdogs with potato pancakes, potato salad & dried fried onion
    Something else we don’t have very often because the hotdogs have to be proper Scandinavian hotdogs and the only place I’ve found them here is Ikea. Every time we go I stock up on them but because we can’t get them easily, I have to eek them out. The potato pancakes arrive courtesy of my daughter when she visits and are kept frozen. I could make them myself but as long as I have some in the freezer I don't bother. Once I run out I suppose I'll have to get the frying pan out though.

  9. Carne con Papas
    A traditional Cuban meal of beef and potatoes in a thick, mild chilli sauce. Really warming on a cold day and generally goes down well with guests.

  10. Pizza
    But only the one I make myself. I’ve made it the same way for the past 20 years and I’m pretty sure that if I tried deviating from the recipe my kids would have my guts for garters!

    And just to add one more,

  11. Fried Egg & Mash
    Comfort food. Now and then all I want is good ol’ egg and mash!

But then there's fillet steak, beef casserole, mushroom stroganoff, cajun chicken, baked salmon, smoked trout, home made burgers and... oh, there's just so much good food!

Sharon J


Image credit: Abstract Gourmet


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Jade of the Jungle said...

OMG Sharon, that list is making me RAVENOUS (and it's only 10am).

Completely agree with stew and dumplings (dumplings in particular mmm...) and pancakes. I could eat pancakes til I'm blue in the face, though I'm a strictly tate&lyles golden syrup kinda girl.

On my list I'd also have

- rosemary and garlic grilled lamb chops and mint sauce
- gnocchi, not made with the usual cream sauce but with black truffle sauce. mmmmnnn...
- pork and leek sausages with bubble & squeak mash and red onion gravy.
- hot buttered toast/crumpets. the ultimate in comfort food
- korean BBQ

Right, best stop salivating.....


Teena said...

ok not fair...its 9:15 pm here in Australia and dang I'm hungry now xoxoox

Unknown said...

My mouth is salivating just reading your wonderful list. It is amazing that simple food is always the best tasting.


Richard said...

You forgot one, two even. Prawn and mayo open sarnie and my veggie risotto (which I'm still making at the weekend).

Lala!! said...

A long list there for you to enjoy Sharon! I cannot remember the last time I cooked anything!!

Hope you are doing OK and staying well.


Sharon said...

Hi there-all of these sound so mouth watering and delicious!

Lizzie @ her homeworld said...

We have pancakes sometimes instead of a meal, just British style with lemon and sugar, and maybe some currants. For birthdays we have pancakes with vanilla ice cream, banana & home made hot fudge sauce. This replaced birthday cake in our house about 5 years ago but it is so bad for us that we only have it 4 times each yar, on the birthdays.

Sharon J said...

@ Jade. I've just set up next week's menu plan and guess what's on it? Yepp... stew & dumplings! LM loves sausages with bubble & squeak and onion gravy although I've never made it with red onions. Will have to give that one a whirl :)

@ Teena. Sorry ;)

@ Gavin. I agree. Why faff about with fancy stuff when simple meals do the job? Just give me a plate of stew and I'm happy :)

@ Richard. Prawn and mayo open sarnies are great for lunch but I was thinking more of dinners. Your risotto is VERY good but I forgot it because I was thinking of stuff I make and I've yet to try your recipe (did you actually give it to me?).

@ Chris. When I count my blessings, one of them is that I can still eat.

@ Sharon Rose. Don't they just?

@ Lizzie. We don't have them often either, but that just makes them all the better when we do have them :)