Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Off To London Again, Sadly

Today I’m off to London again. As some of you already know, I absolutely loathe the part of London that my family are from but there are times when I have to go down, like it or not. Tomorrow is one such time.

A good friend lost her mother to lung cancer last week - one of the most god awful diseases anybody could suffer - and as I’ve known the family for about 35 years, attending the funeral is one of those things that I feel I have to do. For my sake and for that of my friend, especially.

LM is coming with me. She’s never been to a funeral and as her grandad (my dad) is very ill at the moment and could ‘go’ at any time, she felt she’d like (if that’s the right word) to experience a funeral before his time comes, so that she’s prepared for what’s likely to happen. She also knows my friend well and would obviously like to pay her respects too.

We’ll just be staying for the one night. A quick shimmy down the motorways, a night in a hotel, the funeral and then home again. No doubt I’ll be knackered after the journey and everything but sometimes you just have to do things you’d rather not do and I'm sure the family are suffering far more than I will be. My love and thoughts go out to them.

Sharon J


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Catz said...

Take care of yoirelf Sharon! (((hugs))) to you and your friend

Sharon J said...

Thanks Catz. I'm really not looking forward to it for a variety of reasons (the most obvious one being the funeral itself) but I'm sure I'll be back fighting fit on Friday.

Sharon said...

Hi there-I hope everything goes as it should for you and also your friend, take good care of yourself.

pipnvik said...

Love and Light

We are with you

Phil and Stacey